Pfa Poker

Pga Poker
The PFA-100 System has become the new standard for detection of platelet dysfunction. The PFA-100 Analyzer quickly and easily measures platelet plug formation in a small, whole blood sample (<1 mL) and reports a ”Closure Time” in 5-8 minutes. It is a unique system that challenges platelets under high shear flow conditions similar to the physiologic environment in which platelets normally function. It detects inherited-, acquired- or induced- platelet dysfunction by uniquely simulating, in vitro, the function of platelets in Primary Hemostasis
PFA: Planned Facility Account: PFA: Per-Flow Accounting: PFA: Premium Fund Account (insurance) PFA: Poly Film Adhesive: PFA: Percentage for Art (various organizations) PFA: Pink Fused Alumina (metal) PFA: Public First Aid: PFA: Please Find Attachment (email abbreviation) PFA: Primary Feed Antenna: PFA: Pedorthic Footwear Assosciation (est. Predictive failure analysis, a technology for hard disk health monitoring, the predecessor of S.M.A.R.T. Portable Format for Analytics, a JSON-based file format for encoding data analytics, such as data mining models. PFA, an email abbreviation for 'Please Find Attached' or 'Please Find the Attachment' Mathematics and statistics.
A Model of Efficiency:
- Accurate detection of inherited, acquired or induced platelet dysfunction under high-shear stress
- Sensitive to quantitative and qualitative abnormalities of VWD in both plasma and platelets
- Simple, rapid and precise assessment of platelet function
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Test Menu:
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- Collagen/Epinephrine and Collagen/ADP test cartridges
Pa Poker News
- Easy to use - self-contained disposable test cartridges
- Fast - delivers quantitative results within 5 to 8 minutes
- Cost savings - minimal sample manipulation and maintenance required